Wednesday, July 23, 2008

car seat practice

well anyone who knows lexi knows she HATES her
carseat! all she does is scream...and doesn't give up til
she's out, it doesn't matter if its a couple hours, she'll keep going.
she does however take a break for a few seconds to breathe sometimes,
or to choke because she isn't swallowing while screaming. so
cody has taken away all birthday's until she's five unless she
stops, so for her sake we have "carseat practice" everyday!
slowly but surely i think we're making improvement.
( and yes she does have a mohawk in these pictures,
cody likes to do her hair!)
also we have to practice "lexi time" because she thinks
she always needs to be held!! i get more done during the day
when she's awake instead of asleep because she will not stay
asleep if i set her down! talk about spoiled haha! but as you
can see in the pictures she is a happy baby still, and
loves being talked to, she will just smile and talk back for hours!


Anonymous said...

Oh we miss Sexy Lexy, and you guys too. She is just way to cute for words. Watch out we may have to kidnap her. XOXOXOXO

Anonymous said...

ahhh!! Your baby is so cute. And I don't believe that she cries in her car seat, look at that smile! She loves it! jk

kelly said...

What a good mom you are! She looks like a little Lisa in some of those pictures. so cute. . .I'm jealous of the red hair!

Petersen Posse said...

This is my favorite picture of our Lexi. It captures her spirit. Nana & Bumpa just love her