Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter and More

our very own little easter bunny! of course
she wouldn't hold still long enough to get a
good picture

yup, the easter bunny hid my basket on top of the
basketball stand...what did i do to deserve

Easter Bunny was much nicer to cody,
it even told him "hot or cold" to help
find the basket!

that takes confidence to walk around like that.
He is missing his "i only date boys that recycle"
tshirt though, so the ensemble is quite complete

The Easter Bunny was really mad at Tess and Kay..
they had to scale a pine tree to get theres

Lexi finding her baby in her basket!

The cute nielsens

"Holy crap Dad i cant breath!"
at least lexi will go to brew!!!

hahaha ashley i promise we weren't on
drugs... i dont know why lexi's eyes look
like that, but it is so funny!

usually andy isn't one of lexi's biggest fans,
since she disturbs all his toys all the time...
but for some reason on saturday andy really
wanted to play with lexi all day, and then come
have a sleepover, so we worked on ash until
she caved! and it was so much fun! Lexi
was so thrilled!

Lexi's first easter egg dying experience

Bumpa and Cole are always buddies!
And me and andy had lots of fun dying.. however
he didn't wanna get his hands in the "bad water"
so he just threw out the commands and i dipped

The Robison girls hard at work
This must have been before cole drank the
cup of dye.. wasn't exactly what he was
expecting poor boy
Lexi and her friend Kyson

She is in a really wierd phase right now. she doesn't
really fall asleep with a bottle anymore, we just
look over and she is zonked. She loves those
red pillows, she just lays her head on them and
it doesn't come back up.


Anonymous said...

That is awesome, did Cole really drink a cup of dye? Good for you, Lexi needs a big boy cousin around. Love you Jen

bdawg schmash andrizzle & n.o.p said...

Fun post. Thanks for entertaining our little puppy. He had such a good time. Easter and your bday celebration were great. Too bad we don't have a picture of the stud in his recycle tee-shirt.

Petersen Posse said...

Lisa it was a great day to celebrate your birthday - the big 20. Thanks for updating the blog. I love to look at the pictures and comments. Love you

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Thanks for coming down and celebrating with all of us! It was so fun...