Friday, May 15, 2009


So there are horses just behind our backyard that lexi
loves to go look at. we take her up to the fence and she
latches her hands and feet onto the chainlinks, and i can
completely let go she just perches there. We thought she'd
be pretty excited to actually get to ride one, so we went down
to a friends house who has some and let her at it. She
thought she was pretty cool up there with daddy!

When we watched jackson this week lexi was QUITE helpful.
anytime that any noise came out of his mouth she was pulling
out a binkie and putting it in his mouth, or trying to give him
a bottle, or just holding his hand and enduring his pain with him.
It was cute to see the two interact, Jackson would just smile at
her and she would be so thrilled! this was when she was either
listening to him, or letting him kiss her cheek.

Cuddles for the baby!

Mothers day with the Winn side we went to morgan
for a 4-wheeling ride and dinner. Everyone had fun on
the ride, and me and jodi had our own party while
they went since lexi and halli weren't quite big enough yet.
believe it, my BABY is one year old! i think that technically
makes her not a baby anymore, but i gotta tell you, she'll
still be our baby for a few more years! But she had quite
the fun day, her dad brought her breakfast in bed (fruitsnacks),
We went and ate a birthday lunch with dad, then went to kings
and just let her play with all the toys until she picked out a present
for her and ayla. it did take a few hours, but she loved it. cheap
entertainment i guess. there were just too many dolls that needed
hugging, balls needed bouncing, pools needed to be sat in, strollers
need pushed and little shopping carts needed tipped over. Then
we went on a vroom vroom ride and...
Then aunt tess brought her some balloons which were
quite the entertainment for lexi.
And we played in her pool for a while! Such
a fun day


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday big girl. She is so pretty & needs to stop growing up, she is going to be a heart breaker. I love her

Petersen Posse said...

Happy Birthday my Lexi Lou. She has brought lots of happiness into our lives. Boy has this year gone fast.

bdawg schmash andrizzle & n.o.p said...

Happy Birthday spunky little Lexi. I wish we could have seen the big day. I hope she got her birthday post card.