Sunday, April 19, 2009

Deal or No Deal Easter Style

we had everyone over for the the winn's easter/april
birthdays today and it was so much fun! jodi and steve
did the easter egg hunt and told everyone that we
each got six eggs. you think that would be easy math
right? once everyone has six we were done. but simple
math clearly wasn't our strong suit, it took a while to
count up all the eggs and see if we had the right amount.
We were about ready to lay them all out in a row so we
could have a visual to count out. BUT WE GOT IT
They put a twist to easter though.. one of the eggs had
a golden coin in it, and whoever found that egg got
to be the contestant in DEAL OR NO DEAL! and believe it
or not CODY WON and got to play! woo hoo!
This is the cute briefcase girl (or in our case egg girl!)

...and her helper lexi!

and here's the banker! which totally fit
since steve is known to be the negotiator!

steve and jodi put up $100
for it, and he ended up with $50. i think we were on the
better end of the deal, but it was so much fun!! and
pretty intense, i can only imagine what it would be like
on the show going for 1 million haha! but thanks steve
and jodi it was way fun
(the $100's are just for a more dramatic effect,
luckily steve just carries those around with him!)

Lexi loves her new easter basket! she wouldn't

let go of it the whole time we were outside and

once we got inside she just sat and played with her eggs

Halli is such a happy baby! it is so much fun to
watch her giggle! you can see in here she's got
a big grin behind her binkie while she just
hangs out with grandma reminding cody the whole game
that the "$100 is still there, no deal!" :)
it was pretty funny cody got down to the last 2
eggs and it was 10 cents or 100 bucks!

Lexi just playing with her easter eggs!
and it ended with the boys shooting the bow


Tyson. Jacque. Jackson. Mason said...

Man that looks like so much fun! We will have to try it with our family!

Anonymous said...

that looks so fun, i love your backyard

bdawg schmash andrizzle & n.o.p said...

Can I come to the Winn party next year? Your yard looks great.