Thursday, April 16, 2009

so darn tired!

Lexi was just so darn tired, but the mac and

cheese was so good she couldn't help but keep

trying to eat it!


Unknown said...

how cute is she. YOu need to live closer so I can eat her!

Petersen Posse said...

Nana has dibbs on the eating! That is funny.

bdawg schmash andrizzle & n.o.p said...

Hillarious! You have the funniest girl. Remember when you were pregnant and said that you wanted your baby to be funny like Andy and sweet like Kiwi? I think she one-uped Andy's genes... now we'll have to see about the Kiwi wish.
P.S. If you could work on your pet frog quickly, that would really help. Andy won't stop crying.

Tyson. Jacque. Jackson. Mason said...

She is super funny...and a true Petersen, dedicated enough to food to eat through the drowsiness!