Since we moved in back in january, the first thing
anybody told us about when meeting them, was that
the 24th celebration was the biggest thing that
happens out in bear river all year long, and that there
is no way we could miss the celebrations! So we took
their word for it, and the nielsens are hick at heart
so they joined us! started with a parade early in
the morning that was two blocks long, and lasted
for maybe 15 minutes, but it was still fun! instead
of having floats of schools and teams etc, they just
have families on floats! its so funny! and since its
not such a huge parade, they were even throwing
full candy bars! Then we had fun the rest of the day
watching softball games, talent shows, baby contests,
and they had lots of races and dunking booths etc we'll
need to take part in next year.
Lexi and Ayla had fun together, and would attempt
to hold hands regularly..didn't really work out too well
for them to walk and hold hands though, but oh well.
Then they would change their mind about holding hands
"okay, sorry lets make up cousin"
(dont worry, i introduced ashley to hairspray shortly
after this, so ayla should be able to enjoy playing
instead of getting her hair done so much :)
lexi loves getting into strollers, it was really hard
to keep her out of everyones at the park.
but ayla was less than thrilled when lexi climbed
in hers.
andy even did the mutton bust! it was so entertaining!
after deciding he was going to do it, they had him
practice on lexi's rocking horse while shaking it.
and ashley fretted about forgetting their "cowboy apparel"
because he looked like such a "city boy." but nothing
could stop andy after it was set in his mind...
the boys scouting out the competition..
off, all the kids and parents waiting for their turn
got a little bit more nervous. and we were pretty sure
that andy was going to back out, so
they needed to bring over the professional (lexi)
they needed to bring over the professional (lexi)
to get her opinion.
and he did it, woo hoo! he didn't even cry! when
he came back over and we asked him if it was fun
he said "well i really didn't like falling off" when
ash said " you didn't even fall off andy" he said
"well i didn't like ALMOST falling off!"
he even did better than our friends little boy,
who we could hear screaming and crying from across
the arena when it was his turn! he made us proud!
if you listen close you can hear the announcer say
"this is andy nielsen, he's even got his hat on
backwards for the aerodynamics."
Looks like fun! And I never would have thought that Ashleys little boy would want to go bustin some mutton!!! How funny...
That is so fun, I wish we were there, we are hick at heart, minus bugs & XXXX. Love you Jen
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