Monday, July 20, 2009


the cool co-pilot

jacque, kay and tommy
lex was thrilled to cheer for everyone.
when they fell off, she was pretty concerned
about where they went though! and when it
was mom or dad that fell off she was more
than concerned, her cheers turned to
screams in a hurry!

the boys hanging on as tight as possible, to avoid
skidding across the lake and being forgotten for a while.

tess, bumpa, issy and brew riding

me and lex brook and jen showin everyone
how its done. these girls didn't care if they stayed
on the tube, they just wanted to jump off and get in
the water

tommy, andy and ashley! we were all
very impressed with how daring and brave
andy was (condsidering lion king scares ashley)
but we missed the pictures of tommy issy and kiwi
on the tube, they were serious dare devils, getting more
air than anyone else out there did! after the first
five footer we were sure they would be crying, but
when they came down they just kept doing
the thumbs up for faster

too much cheering can be exhausting! lexi fell asleep
standing up on the back seat against the swim deck

jen and the brookster


Brew said...

We had so much fun. Thank you. And I'm not afraid of Lion King, I just find the music and all very annoying.

Petersen Posse said...

That was a great day. Thank you for providing the entertainment.

Tyson. Jacque. Jackson. Mason said...

Thanks for letting us all come boating with you, it was tons of fun! And Brew is scared of Lion King, he just doesn't want it posted on your blog.