Friday, May 28, 2010

catching up

Okay, I have been a slacker!! its been at least a couple months since i've shared the happenings of my bug's life with everyone on here, and the further behind i get, the less i want to do it. Knowing that i have that much more i would have to catch up on. I would much rather spend my time enjoying my moments with her, than trying to type about it & missing them (after all they're coming and going way too fast.. SHE'S ALREADY TWO!!!) blah. here we go, i can do it, i know i can... it just might take a few days.
Buggy loves wearing her daddy's hats now a days.
well any hat will do, but she has a special love for
her dads. And is aspiring to be a truck
driver when she grows up. Hopefully by then she
can get a bigger truck to ride, this one caused
way too much frustration.

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