Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thanksgiving and a Christmas Kick off!

we have had a good holiday season so far. We
started it out with "pie day" all wednesday, and
sweet nicole let us tear apart her house (and some
of her appliances, but it was nice to be one with the
pioneers.) And it was our year with the "petersen" side..
along with everyone else's.
so we had quite the crowd to celebrate
with. we had a yummy thanksgiving dinner,
accompanied with football and ad searching. Then
Lexi had her first sleepover, so that cody and i could
go shopping at 5 am. i kept warning him that he didn't
want to come (for both of our sakes) since he
doesn't even like normal shopping, let alone black
friday shopping. But he was awesome! i had to have had
the best hubby out there. he was so good at grabbing
anything i pointed out, when i told him i needed a
size he would grab every boot in that size throughout
the store to see which i would prefer, and any toy
we wanted for lexi he was grabbing anything similar
to it. I got myself a new shopping partner WOO WOO!
and later that day we had the petersen christmas party,
since jen's family wouldn't be back out til after christmas.
santa even came to put the fear into all the toddlers, and
joy to the rest of the kids... the pictures are all
out of order, and i'm not organizing them, so enjoy!
this is lexi new favorite place to play.. nana's pantry's.
If you see her in one, you should run because she
will beg anyone to go in with her and assign seats to
whoever obeyed, and then she does not let you leave.
she found bumpa's head light, and also
found that the faster she ran to chase that
wierd red light on the wall, the faster the
red light on the wall moved... crazy!

santa really put the fear in lexi.. she must have really
been naughtier than even we thought if she was so scared.

and he gave issy quite a bit to think about
cole just wanted "CARS" and made that
pretty clear since thats all he would say to him

our newly adopted kiwi has nothing to be
worried about, she'll always be on the nice list

looks like someone really can scare brookie, who knew!?
jackson wasn't really scared, jacque just really wanted
to sit on santa's lap!
And ayla hated to even look at santa, it was quite

Andy whispering all his wishes
Nana pulled out the bells ...apparently it wasn't loud
enough already

lexi loves playing with her bumpa! and maddy couldn't
miss the photo op once she saw the camera out! :)

The little girls sharing thanksgiving dinner.

Cody and brookie just watching some football.


bdawg schmash andrizzle & n.o.p said...

What fun we have! Don't use just love our fam. I know that not everyone does (yes, Kay), but I do.

The.Marcellus.Family said...

I LOVE the picture of her crying. Her poor little face is so red. I know it sounds rude that I just said I LOVE to see her crying. But she is just adorable. I wonder why kids are scared of Santa. I'm pretty sure I was too when I was little.

Love ya Lisa...(just a little)

Lyle & Britt said...

bahahhaa!! CUTE! love you

Petersen Posse said...

What a great family - again, aren't I lucky. Love you guys.